Two Lights (2006)

Freedom Never Cries lyrics - Five For Fighting

I took a flag to a pawn shop
For a broken guitar
I took a flag to a pawn shop
How much is that guitar
I took a flag to a pawn shop
I Got me that guitar
What's a flag in a pawn shop to me?

I Saw a man on the TV
In a mask with a gun
A man on the TV
He had a ten-year old son
I Saw a man on the TV
His son had a gun
He says that he's coming for me

I never loved the soldier until there was a war
Or thought about tomorrow
'til my baby hit the floor
I only talk to God when somebody's about to die
I Never cherished Freedom

Freedom never cries.

I Wrote a song for a dead man
To settle my soul
A song for a dead man
Now I'll never grow old
I Wrote a song for a dead man
Now I'm out in the cold
What's a song to a dead man to me?

I never loved the soldier until there was a war
Or thought about tomorrow
'til my baby hit the floor
I Only talk to God when somebody's about to die
I Never cherished Freedom

Freedom never cries...

You can cry for her
Die for her
Lay down your life for her
Kiss and wave Goodbye to her
Anything at all

You can cry for her
Die for her
Make up your mind to her
Anything at all

There's a baby on the doorstep
Wailing away
There's a baby on the doorstep
Longing for the day
There's a baby on the doorstep
Who'd give his life to take
A flag to a pawn shop
A flag to a pawn shop

May he forget why he is crying some day

World lyrics - Five For Fighting

Got a package full of Wishes
A Time machine, a Magic Wand
A Globe made out of Gold

No Instructions or Commandments
Laws of Gravity or
Indecisions to uphold

Printed on the box I see
A.C.M.E.'s Build-a-World-to-be
Take a chance - Grab a piece
Help me to believe it

What kind of world do you want?
Think Anything
Let's start at the start
Build a masterpiece
Be careful what you wish for
History starts now...

Should there be people or peoples
Money, Funny pedestals for Fools who never pay
Raise your Army - Choose your Steeple
Don't be shy, the satellites can look the other way

Lose the Earthquakes - Keep the Faults
Fill the oceans without the salt
Let every Man own his own Hand

What kind of world do you want
Think Anything
Let's start at the start
Build a masterpiece
Be careful what you wish for
History starts now...

Sunlight's on the Bridge
Sunlight's on the Way
Tomorrow's Calling

There's more to this than Love

What Kind of world do you want
What Kind of world do you want

What Kind of world do you want
Think Anything
Let's start at the start
Build a masterpiece

History Starts Now

Be careful what you wish for
Start Now

California Justice lyrics - Five For Fighting

Early one morning at county line
The swells 4-6 approaching 9
The barrel of my life hit the Malibu Sky
A Golden State Pipe - Conchita was mine

Suddenly a local on a Boogie in a Thong
Cut in on my line - My Barrel was gone
Her Pepperdine Stud screamed "Val that's what you get"
I shot him with a gun behind Neptune's Net.

Killed a man I don't know what the fuss is
I'm just looking for some California Justice...

Took off in the Mustang for the 395
Double Double in Mohave - Took a left at Lone Pine
I Powered up the top of Mt Whitney
They may not have a Jamba Juice but here they'll never get me...

While working my tan looked down the cliff to see
A line of Black and Whites Dropped by a yellow Jersey
Called Uncle Arnie said, "What's going on
He said, "New Sheriff in town...Name's Lance Armstrong"

Killed a man I don't know what the fuss is
I'm just looking for some California justice

Hired a fixer to keep things blurry
Sent the shuttle to space for the perfect jury
The judge dropped the bar and to the court decreed
You can lay down all you like
Tell me what you see

I'm free
Heading up the Truckee River
To catch me a brown though the water makes me shiver
Mistake I made was crossing the border
Casinos for me are cooked and made to order

I didn't intend to kill the dealer last night
But I doubled down to 20 - His 16 pulled a 5
Now I'm heading back to Cali bound for TAHOE CITY...

Killed a man I don't know what the fuss is
I'm just looking for some California justice

Moral of the story keep the straight and narrow
Your eyes on the ball
Your hands off the sparrow
Every country needs one broken arrow
At least we gave you Ronnie Reagan, Sonny & Chero

I'll meet you down behind Neptune's Net
Catch my honey in the thong
Do you get it yet?
We'll catch barrels every day
I'm just surfing U.S.A.

The Riddle lyrics - Five For Fighting

There was a man back in '95
Whose heart ran out of summers
But before he died, I asked him

Wait, what's the sense in life
Come over me, Come over me

He said,

Son why you got to sing that tune
Catch a Dylan song or some eclipse of the moon
Let an angel swing and make you swoon
Then you will see... You will see

Then he said,

Here's a riddle for you
Find the Answer
There's a reason for the world
You and I...

Picked up my kid from school today

Did you learn anything cause in the world today
You can't live in a castle far away
Now talk to me, come talk to me

He said,

Dad I'm big but we're smaller than small
In the scheme of things, well we're nothing at all
Still every mother's child sings a lonely song
So play with me, come play with me

And Hey Dad
Here's a riddle for you
Find the Answer
There's a reason for the world
You and I...

I said,

Son for all I've told you
When you get right down to the
Reason for the world...
Who am I?

There are secrets that we still have left to find
There have been mysteries from the beginning of time
There are answers we're not wise enough to see

He said... You looking for a clue I Love You free...

The batter swings and the summer flies
As I look into my angel's eyes
A song plays on while the moon is high over me
Something comes over me

I guess we're big and I guess we're small
If you think about it man you know we got it all
Cause we're all we got on this bouncing ball
And I love you free
I love you freely

Here's a riddle for you
Find the Answer
There's a reason for the world
You and I...

Two Lights lyrics - Five For Fighting

What is Courage
Is it Brave
What are Lions
I've only seen them in parades
How is love supposed to read
In a footnote of history
What's a tap on your shoulder
That you're afraid to look over
A soldier's down in a fire fight
No one can look me in the eye

This is what it means to be alone.

Tear out my Heart
Feed it to Lions
For this one wish I beg you this tonight
Show me no mercy
But spare me my pride
I'm going for a drive

And if you find out he's coming home
When I come around the corner
I'll know that it's alright
Just leave me two lights

He was young just 23
Didn't have to go
But it was the man he wanted to be
Like every son he was an only one
One day he came to me, said
Freedoms nothing to look over
Till each man can stand upon its shoulder
I'll right you mountains of letters
Each one a little bit better
And know I'll never be alone

Tear out my Heart
Feed it to Lions
For this one wish I beg you this tonight
Show me no mercy
But spare me my pride
I'm going for a drive

And if you find out he's coming home
When I come around the corner
I'll know that it's alright
Leave me two lights

Silent Angels
Light the road up ahead
As the sentries guard the way
On the avenue of borrowed time

I'm almost home
The sun's to rise
I got to know
I've been driving all the night
There's our corner up ahead
I'm alive and I am dead
I drive right through the stop sign
I turn my head
As I lift my eyes
My eyes burn

Tear out my Heart
Feed it to Lions
For this one wish I beg you this tonight
Show me no mercy
Spare me my pride

I'm going for a drive

'65 Mustang lyrics - Five For Fighting

She's my time machine
She's my rolling memory
She's my family
And I love her so

She knows my secrets well
But her back seat won't ever tell
She's no Jezebel

My '65 Mustang rides along
Every mile's another song
And what I don't remember
She never forgets
That little girl ain't let me down yet
It all comes back to me
When I turn that horse's key
I'm 17 or 23
Or bringing home my first baby
Like Dad did when the '65 was three

She's been four colors
We've broken forty laws
She goes where she wants
No matter what the cost

No power nothing here
AC's 2 by 75
Yea you got it man
You roll em down and drive

My '65 Mustang rides along
Every mile's another song
And what I don't remember
She never forgets
That little girl ain't let me down yet
It all comes back to me
When I turn that horse's key
I'm 17 or 23
Or bringing home my first baby
Like Dad did when the '65 was three

Don't need to play no new CD's
She's enough music for me
I Don't need no new AC
Cause she's cooler than I'll ever be

My wild Mustang
She's waiting on me
Ready to take us away
Sail across the sea

When I'm on her back
I'm the boy each man should be
She's My Family Tree

My '65 Mustang rides along
Every mile's another song
And what I don't remember
She never forgets
That little girl ain't let me down yet
It all comes back to me
When I turn that horse's key
And she roars to me...I'm 23
Or bringing home my first baby
Like Dad did when the '65 was three

She's my family

I Just Love You lyrics - Five For Fighting

Lonely, yeah that's the word
I leave my heart when I leave her
The days go on forever and the nights do too

One evening out on the road
A half a world away from home
I thought she was sleeping
When the call came through

I said, Darling, it's late, is everything ok
Silence took over the room
Til she said

I... I just Love You
I Don't Know Why, I Just Do
When are you coming home
I'm coming home soon
And I just love you too

Lonely lets me be
For a while she sets me free
I close my eyes and I dream of her

She's lost in my arms
Her head on my heart
And softly she whispers the words

I...I just Love You
I Don't Know Why, I Just Do
When are you coming home
I'm coming home soon
And I just love you too

I'll never stop being amazed
How my 4-year old girl knows exactly what to say

I, I just Love You
I Don't Know Why, I Just Do
When are you coming home
I'm coming home soon
Cause I just love you too

Policeman's Xmas Party lyrics - Five For Fighting

Welcome to the first day of the rest of my life
The tension is so think you can cut it with a knife
Something's happened:Things will never be the same
There's blood on the carpet - I'm rewiring my brain

I got some new friends down at West Valley PD
You can change the channel but I'm all that's on TV
The only good news is that he's going to be o.k.
Got a bomb in my stomach but I'm dreaming that one day

I'll be going to a Policeman's Xmas party
Have a couple beers get funky on the dance floor
Going to a Policeman's Xmas party
Gonna have a good time for the rest of my life...

4 weeks later it's still Raining in the Park
Marine with a gun guards my house now after dark
I look for clues like I'm Inspector Clouseau
You can have my money honey I just want to go

Go to a policeman's Xmas party
Have a couple beers get my funky on the dance floor
Go to a policeman's Xmas party
Gonna have a good time for the rest of my life...

There's Cops on the ceiling
There's Cops on the floor
There's Cops in the windows
Cops breaking down the door
You'll never feel safer in your life
The Captain even likes to get freaky on my wife

We're going to a Policeman's Xmas party
Have a couple beers get my funky on the dance floor
Going to a Policeman's Xmas party
Gonna have a good time for the rest...

Welcome to the best day of the rest of my life
My buddies broke the case and now it's gonna be alright
Moral of the story, it don't matter who you are
Be careful what you wish for they'll be calling you a rock star

People from Earth there's never been a harder core
Party like this party in a million years or more
The floor itself is hopping like a freaking kangaroo
The D.J.'s in his P.J.'s playing..."everybody wants you!"

Going to a policeman's Xmas party
Have a couple beers get funky on the dance floor
Going to a policeman's Xmas party
Going to have a good time the rest of my life!

Take off your clothes
Take off everything you are
Take off your heart
Get funky on the dance floor

Going to have a good time for the rest...

Road To Heaven lyrics - Five For Fighting

Sometimes I think about silly things
It's easy to do if you have the time
Often happens when I'm falling off to sleep
After a second glass of wine

The clock is usually running out
Down by one or could be tied
I'm fading back
Winding up
The championship on the line...but...

What if there was a road to heaven
That's what came to me today
Would there be Traffic jams with diamond lanes
Potholes filled up with rain
Would there be Tolls still left to pay

If there was a road to heaven
Made of gold or made out of clay
Would the Angels wave me up the hill
Or in my mirror just fade away

I've never been the kind a man who hits his knees
Got no answers for big questions
I don't know...
Maybe tomorrow lightning will hit me on the head
And we can find out if we're just a joke

Jesus I'm told can build a bridge
Finer than any other man
There's a certain peace to an country road
With a wheel in your hand

If there was a road to heaven
Would there be laws I must obey
If I drove my mustang 85
Late one night turned out the lights
Would the stars still light the way

If there was a road to heaven
Made of Gold or Made of Clay
Would the Angels lead me up the hill
Or in my mirror just fade away

Night turns morning
The old man should be snoring
I got to get some sleep before I'm awake

Up with the monkeys
I sure love the monkeys
But This job ain't all cookies and cake

Sometimes I think about silly things
It's easy to do if you got the wine
In The Eagle we're landing
I'm the President
Or a foreign king
With a harem from Encino to Brunei

But if there was a road to heaven
It'd be one long and crazy ride...
If there was a road to heaven babe
That's a road that I'd like to find.

Johnny America lyrics - Five For Fighting

Show me a better bike than the one I got
If it makes any difference you can keep the lot
There's plenty of space in the parking lot

A head full of hopes
A pocket full of dreams
Handle bars coming apart at the seams

There goes Johnny America
Riding Hard up Mission Hill
Some think he'll make it to the top today
Some say he never will
Though he's just a child at heart
He's old enough to fall
Nobody in 100 years
Can touch him faults and all...

What you going to say about my little man
Take another shot, do the best you can
They're selling out souls in the grandstand

His Cap peeled back
Got Blood on his knees
Fighting back tears
Tearing through the breeze

There goes Johnny America
Riding Hard up Mission Hill
Some think he'll make it to the top today
Some say he never will
Though he's just a child at heart
He's old enough to fall
Nobody in 100 years
Can touch him faults and all...

He's come to far to fall

There goes Johnny America
Riding Hard up Mission Hill
Some think he'll make it to the top today
Some say he never will...

Go Johnny!
Go Johnny!

There goes Johnny America
Riding Hard up Mission Hill
Some think he'll make it to the top today
I say he will.

The Battle For Everything (2004)

NYC Weather Report lyrics - Five For Fighting

Got to get away from here...
Got to get away from all these thinkers... drinking up my thoughts again
Got to get away from here...
Got to get away from all these choosers, losers... all my best of friends
Sit back New York City
You're not cute but you're oh so pretty
When the rain comes you fall up again...
SUNNY... You are a part of me
SUNNY... You are the heart of me

Got to get away from here...
Got to get away from all these people who need people... You know it really makes me sick
Got to get away from here...
Got to get away from expectations, recreations, just for the sake of it

Sit back New York City
You're not cute but you're oh so pretty
When the rain comes you fall up again...
SUNNY... You are a part of me
SUNNY... You are the heart of me

Sit back New York City
You're not cute but you're oh so pretty
When the rain falls you come up again
Sit back New York City friend...

Got to get away from here...
Got to get away from what I'm thinking...I'm's too much for anyone...
Got to get away from here...
Got get away from what you're drinking... you're I'll take another one...

The Devil In The Wishing Well lyrics - Five For Fighting

I met Jane at the center of the earth
It was dark there was dirt all around
But I gather you can figure that

Jane says I'm your body in the night
And I'll lead you where you might find yourself
Better if you follow me

So go right you'll be left at a big hotel
You'll meet the devil at the bottom of a wishing well
You know you better give him something
Give him something good
Like everybody else he's misunderstood

Jane says it's a long way out...
I'm gonna make it out
Cause I'm about her

Jane says, you're as Holy as a ghost,
But who loves you the most, if you offer
I might let you carry me

Jane there's nobody here but yourself
In the end it's the wealth of your spirit
Now hurry up get on with it

I went left I got right at some big hotel
There was a devil at the bottom of the wishing well
He said you better give me something
Give me something good
Like everybody else I'm misunderstood

Jane says it's a long way out
I'm gonna make it out
Cause I'm about
Jane says it's a long way out
I'm gonna make it out

I took a guess and cut a portion out of my heart
He said that's nowhere close enough but it's a damn good start
I wrote the secret that I buried on the wishing well wall
He said I've seen one... it follows that I've seen them all
We spoke of human destination in a perfect world
Derived the nature of the universe (found it unfulfilled)
As I took him in my arms he screamed I'm not insane
I'm just looking for someone to understand my pain...

It's a long way out...
I'm gonna make it out

If God Made You lyrics - Five For Fighting

Hey Kid... Your time has come to change
Though I need you more than I've needed anyone in any way tonight
Hey Kid... I know it won't be long
The Captain's calling...come to see you back where we belong

Something inside me is breaking
Something inside says there's somewhere better than this...

Sunset sailing on April skies
Bloodshot fire clouds in her eyes
I can't say what I might believe
But if God made you he's in love with me

Hey Kid...Do wishes count at all
Can you give me a sign...give me anything I won't tell a soul you told
Hey Kid...Will you hold me when I sleep
Will you find me when the tide decides that I got to leave

Something inside me is breaking
Something inside says there's somewhere better than this...

Sunset sailing on April skies
Bloodshot fire clouds in her eyes
I can't say what I might believe
But if God made you he's in love with me

Sunset sailing on April skies
Bloodshot fire clouds in your eyes
I can't say what I might believe
But if God made you he's in love with me

Something inside me is breaking
Something inside says there's somewhere better than this my love

Sunset sailing on April skies
Bloodshot fire clouds in her eyes
I can't say what I might believe
But if God made you he's in love with me

Sunset sailing on April skies
Bloodshot fire clouds in your eyes
I can't say what I might believe
But if God made you... he's in love with me...

100 Years lyrics - Five For Fighting

I'm 15 for a moment
Caught in between 10 and 20
And I'm just dreaming
Counting the ways to where you are

I'm 22 for a moment
And she feels better than ever
And we're on fire
Making our way back from Mars

15 there's still time for you
Time to buy and time to lose
15 there's never a wish better than this
When you only got a hundred years to live

I'm 33 for a moment
I'm still the man, but you see I'm a "they"
A kid on the way, babe
A family on my mind

I'm 45 for a moment
The sea is high
And I'm heading into a crisis
Chasing the years of my life

15 there's still time for you
Time to buy and time to lose yourself
Within a morning star

15 I'm all right with you
15 there's never a wish better than this
When you only got a hundred years to live

Half time goes by
Suddenly you’re wise
Another blink of an eye
67 is gone
The sun is getting high
We're moving on

I'm 99 for a moment
And dying for just another moment
And I'm just dreaming
Counting the ways to where you are

15 there's still time for you
22 I feel her too
33 you’re on your way
Every day's a new day

15 there's still time for you
Time to buy and time to choose
Hey 15 there's never a wish better than this
When you only got a hundred years to live

Angels & Girlfriends lyrics - Five For Fighting

I met her down at a Pineapple Parking lot
She said I love you more
I said I love you not
And all the while I stood in line at the paint shop

She said I'll take you where you'll never go again
I'll be your only love
You'll be my only friend
And for your time I'll let you dine at my office

Angels never come for free
If you know what I know you know what I mean
You can love em now - you can love em later

Girlfriends never fall for fun
They can tie you up make you come undone
You can learn to fly - But you can't create her

She led me down though a forest of wooden chairs
As she ate my lunch I looked out for bears
And in a sense you could say she snared my attention

She said I am your perfect finality
And as I got her off she got off her knees
And for my grind I got honorable mention

Everybody needs one
Everybody's bound
Everybody swings upon the Marry-Go-Around

Girlfriends never fall for fun
They can tear you up make you come undone...


So now I'm stuck in this pineapple parking lot
I had what I was now I'm what I got
And if I may... may I lend you some kind of direction

If you go you may never come back again
She's my only love
She my only friend
And for that there is no kind of protection

Everybody needs one...
Everybody's bound
Everybody swings and meanwhile Mary Goes Around

Angels never come for free
If you know what I know you know what I mean
1st you hate to love and then you love to hate her

Girlfriends never fall alone
Now you know what I know you know what I've known
I'll see you now...and I'll see you later
I'll see you later
I think I can save her
I wish I could date her

Dying lyrics - Five For Fighting

I'm Dying, Dying to wake up without you, without you in my head again
I'm Dying, Dying to forget about you, that you ever lived
There's a shade come over this heart that's coping with laying down to rest
I'm Dying to live without you again

I'm Dying, Dying to find a distraction, get you away from me
I'm Dying, Dying to reach a conclusion, so that the world can see
It's the same old story of love and glory that broke before it bent
I'm Dying to live without you again

The first time you left I said goodbye
Now there's not a prayer that can survive

Dying, Dying to die just to come back so we can meet again
Dying, Dying to say what I always should have said
It's a strange emotion this but there's still hope in this
As long as there's a breath...
I'm Dying and I can't live without you again

It's a strange emotion this but there's still hope in this
As long as there's a breath...

I'm Dying and I can't live without you
I'm Dying and I can't live without you again

Infidel lyrics - Five For Fighting

Heaven fell from the sky tonight
There were virgins in my backyard chasing angels with fire sticks...
Heaven fell on herself tonight
And Moses lay in pieces from some 17-year-old bomb...

Here we go...someone's knocking at my window
Here we go...I didn't ask for this shit...
Here we go...someone's knocking at my window
Here we go...I didn't ask for it...ask for it...ask for it...

Heaven fell from the sky tonight
And the whole damn world invited themselves to my Sunday BBQ...

Heaven fell and it's not all right
And God won't dare show his face from of the bottom of my swimming pool...

Here we go...someone's knocking in my window
Here we go...I didn't ask for this shit
Here we go...someone's knocking at my window
Here we go...I didn't ask for it...ask for it...ask for it...

La lee be la lee
La lee be lo
Here comes the fire trucks... open the show
Here in the spotlight...which way did they go...
Which way did they go...

Heaven fell on herself tonight...

Disneyland lyrics - Five For Fighting

I Woke up got my lazy ass out of bed
I Watered all the rocks growing in my head
I Had a thought...and fell asleep on you...

There I was somewhere West of Tomorrow Land
Flying through the stars just like Peter Pan
I said...Damn this looks too good to be true...

There she goes... my heart again (would you mind rolling over)
I can feel it in the air (something's coming down)
I don't know and I don't care that it's a small world

It's a nice day if you wake up in Disneyland...
It's a nice day when you wake up in Disneyland...

In my dream everybody's got a little house
A dog, a bank account managed by Mickey Mouse
And the only thing we fight about is the Lakers...

In my dream all the pirates down in Neverland
Never get the Hook... they just get a hand
While the crocs sing Superman till we just can't take it...

There she goes... my heart again (do you mind rolling over)
I can feel it in the air (something's coming down)
I don't know and I don't care if it's a small world

It's a nice day when you wake up in Disneyland...
It's a nice day if you wake up in Disneyland...

We can fly away...

I Woke up got my lazy ass out of bed
I Watered all the rocks growing in my head
I Had a thought... and I looked up to see

The sign read the park she's closed today
E-tickets don't work here no more anyway
Where every day's a magic day to be free You see...

It's a nice day when you wake up in Disneyland...
It's a nice day should you wake up in Disneyland...
It's your L.U.C.K.Y. day should you wake up in Disneyland...
It's a nice day should you wake up in Disneyland...

Maybe I lyrics - Five For Fighting

You were right
You came over me
What'd never been before
You slid under my door and now I find
A Reason to admit I've been too lazy

But in this light
In this atmosphere
I'm starting to believe
The other side of me but who's to know
Honey... surely one of us is crazy

Maybe I... I'm not so easily stung
Maybe I... I got some love for someone
Maybe I... I'm not the story for you
Maybe I... I'll be the do you ought to do

So now I stand
I never stood before
What's better left unsaid is done, buried and dead and you're alive
Girl I think you might just stay the night

Maybe I... I'm not so easily stung
Maybe I... I got some love for someone
Maybe I... I'll write a story for you
Maybe I... I'll be the do you ought to do

I'm not trying to take it easy
I'm not trying to help you see
I'm not trying to take us over
I'm just trying to believe

Maybe I... I'm not so easily stung
Maybe I... I got some love for someone
Maybe I... I'm just the story for you
Maybe I... I'll be the do you ought to do

Maybe I... I'm not the one for your love
Maybe I... I'll be your heaven above
Maybe I... I'll write a story for two
Maybe I... I'll be the do that you do

The Taste lyrics - Five For Fighting

So I seen her
In a land that was forgotten
She brought a candle to my mind
But it got no easier then
So I snuck out of her apartment
I went down to buy a premium
But all that settled was my mind, for a time
Till she showed me what a fire was

I will be a happy man if you're my sacred son
I could be a dividend if you're my only one

So I bought 12,000 acres
Suddenly it was a dozen
And for a moment I was blind but for the time
I caught a glimpse inside the universe there
I couldn't handle the dimensions
See 2+2 can = 5 here
So I sold off unto a lamb, but it was a scam
And he giggled like he'd won the lottery

I will be a happy man if you're my sacred son
I could be a dividend if you're my only one

And all the children started singing
There I fell into a coffin
Brought the water in my eyes
(Surprised) I wondered at the miracle there

When it all was finally over
I thought about our time here
Here where everything's divine
Well I find I still got the taste for you
I still got the taste for you
I still got the taste for you
I still got the taste for you

If you're my only one

One More For Love lyrics - Five For Fighting

Baby there's something on my mind tonight
There's a reason to believe we almost got it right
There's a fire burning in the firelight
As we roll on tonight

There's paper promises and alibis
There is certainly uncertainty in all our eyes
But as long as you are here I'll be all right
As we roll on tonight

So you go out...I'll go on
If there's a doubt...we'll be strong
As we go on singing
One more for love my love
One more for love...

There's always blood to fill the heart betrayed
There are children being born to every house that's raised
And we're getting closer to where we got it made
As we roll on tonight

So you go out...I'll go on
If there's a doubt...we'll be strong
As we go on singing
One more for love my love
One more for love...

I'm never going to wait for anything
Never going to break for anything
Cause I am one more for love my love
One more for love
One more for love my love

Baby there's something on my mind tonight
There's a reason to believe that we got it right
And all and all you're all that's on my mind tonight As we roll on...

One more for love my love
One more for love

Nobody lyrics - Five For Fighting

Take off your shoes... Take off yourself
Take off your rented mental health
Take off your raincoat... settle down
Take off your nightmare and your frown
There is a place for you to go
To see another ringer in a rock show
Take my pretense for a time
Cause I want to say to you

I'm nobody without you...buddy
My long lost friend

If you're not here to hear me scream
Am I silent like a dream
Where all the dragons are my friends
Each night we meet our bitter ends
Do I need you to make me real
Like Wheeler spinning his own wheel
Quantum strings within my brain
Popping sanities insane

I'm nobody without you...buddy
My long lost friend

Not everybody has a brain
Not everybody's going sane
Not everybody wishes well
Not everybody's heaven's hell
Sometimes there's someone to blame
Sometimes a place for shame
Sometimes good's better than bad
Sometimes good's better than bad
Sometimes good's better than bad
Sometimes you're better than me

Heaven fell on herself tonight
As the devil met me in the wishing well
And in that moment I found myself knowing
That in the end it's just about you and me
Nothing smaller or larger
Though dragons are good for the soul
Nothing can be better than baring yourself for another...
Open for scrutiny, ridicule, and indulgence
Therein lies the balls, and the mind, and the heart...
As fear is truly the Mindkiller...
When nothing is left...
Everything is gained...
You see I wish I was a poet
But I know as we go round and round
Though endings are never ever happy
It's the happy moments along the way
That in the end
Make it...ok...

America Town (2000)

The Last Great American (New Last Verse (9/15/2001)) lyrics - Five For Fighting

Mr. Merry cries in his coffin for days he says he can remember
And through the town the pallbearers sing old songs
Of a beautiful and purple mountain
From every walk of life we've come to see the Last Great American
May I now present you the speaker
Friends he was a man of men, a man of gold
He had a how do you say ethical like sense
That's when the President started to giggle
Then the children gave the blessing
Though the service weren't half done
Each of them sued the other one
For the last great American

Mr. Reaches up and we bow our heads
He pulls the lid on down as his stone is read
Here lies our Merry the man with the heart so spent
That in this day and age is sick of living

Then the funeral pyre was shattered
And the world became undone
The mourners raised their heads up
As the crowd began to run
Then everybody stopped... the beating of a drum.

For through the smoke and morning sun
Stands the Last Great American

Easy Tonight lyrics - Five For Fighting

You were wrong
You were right
You are gone
You were free
So alive
You were wrong
You were right

You were down
You could see
You wore hearts
for me
You were sharp
Sharp as knives
You were wrong
You were right

Shot down: said you never had the chance
Took a ride on a suicide romance
Could have sworn there was somebody home
To facilitate the great unknown
Woman, I ain't going to meet you anywhere
Don't know where I'm going yet:
But I sure am getting there
Shotgun fire: anybody home
I got two dimes in the telephone
Alright: It's not easy tonight

You were bound
You were free
You wear black
for me
You were dark
Dark as night
You were wrong
You were right

Shot down: said you never had the chance
Took a ride on a suicide romance
Could have sworn there was somebody home
To facilitate the great unknown
But woman, I ain't going to meet you anywhere
Don't know where I'm going yet:But I sure am getting there

Shotgun fire: anybody home
I got two dimes in the telephone
Alright: It's not easy tonight

She's In. Over my head:and it's not easy it's not easy tonight

Shotgun fire: anybody home
I got two dimes in the telephone
Alright: It's not easy tonight

You were free:Now your not:You were free

Bloody Mary (A Note On Apathy) lyrics - Five For Fighting

Over by the still she says,
"Man I think you better wait for tomorrow!
Take this pillow for your head
And I'll take you."

Back against the beast I went
To feel her coming, hot for a follow up
Here comes the sun again:(to see me through)

On and on she takes me from you, my love
On and on she rakes me from you

Happily I leave her fed
Tonight I swear, I swear on tomorrow:(wait)
Here comes the sun again
To see me through:

On and on she takes me from you, my love
On and on she rakes me from you

Bloody Mary's for all:
Bloody Mary's for all:

On and on she takes me from you, my love
On and on she rakes me from you

All of my dreams for you:to follow
All of my dreams for you:to swallow
All of my dreams for you:

Superman (It's Not Easy) lyrics - Five For Fighting

I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naïve
I'm just out to find
The better part of me

I'm more than a bird,
I'm more than a plane
I'm more than some pretty face beside a train
It's not easy to be me

I wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
'Bout a home I'll never see

It may sound absurd but don't be naïve
Even heroes have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed but won’t you concede
Even heroes have the right to dream
And it's not easy to be me

Up, up and away, away from me
Well, it's alright
You can all sleep sound tonight
I'm not crazy or anything

I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naïve
Men weren't meant to ride
With clouds between their knees

I'm only a man in a silly red sheet
Digging for kryptonite on this one way street
Only a man in a funny red sheet
Looking for special things inside of me
Inside of me, inside of me [2x]

I’m only a man in a funny red sheet
I’m only a man looking for a dream
I’m only a man in a funny red sheet
And it's not easy.
It's not easy to be me.

America Town lyrics - Five For Fighting

I know I should be happy in your land
It's not all that wild to me
Not that I want to be any other where
I know its hell out there

Here in the borders of America Town
All of the dollies are spinning round and round
Hail to the chief
Lets just drag them all down
There's got to be a hero somewhere

Used to get annoyed at the fire and the flag
Now it just seems old to me
(Everyone is old to me)

And I know we'd kick your ass
But first I'll take a nap tonight
And know someone's looking out for me

Here in the borders of America Town
All of the dollies are spinning round and round
Hail to the chief
Lets just drag them all down
There's got to be a hero somewhere

I tried it
I've seen it
I bought it all

Not that I'm upset
I can still make my bet on the basketball game
And I got my spare change
I'm even O.K. with the hoodlums on the hill
They're in my will
Like her and you
Whom and who
In America Town
We all spin around
In America Town
I'm really not down:
We all spin around
In America Town
America Town
America Town

Something About You lyrics - Five For Fighting

I don't know where to begin
I don't know how to get out there to see you
I don't know where to dig in.
I don't know how to get in there:to feel you

It's been to long and I'm about to be in time for me
It's been to long and I'm in time

Baby there's something about you that
I can hold on to
I'm going to hold on to that
Baby there's something about you that
I can hold on to
I'm going to hold on to that

I never thought I would win
I never thought much about that.
(It's been a long time coming)
I never stopped to begin
Thinking about the process.
(It's been a long time coming)

It's been to long and I'm about to be in time for me
It's been to long and I'm in time

Baby there's something about you that
I can hold on to
I'm going to hold on to that
Baby there's something about you that
I can hold on to
I'm going to hold on to that

I don't know where to begin
I don't know how to get out there to see you

Baby there's something about you that
I can hold on to
I'm going to hold on to that
Baby there's something about you that
I can hold on to
I'm going to hold on to that

It's been a long time coming
I'm going to hold on to that

And I'm going to be there:be there:alright

Jainy lyrics - Five For Fighting

Jainy sells for three dimes a night
Morning helps her find her way blind
And I love her more than I can tell
Heaven help me now
Seems I found to find her just as well:

Jainy Yea:
Jainy Yea

Jainy takes me three times a night
Morning Saves me and I find my way blind
And she loves me more than she can tell
Heaven help her now
Seems she's found to find me just as well

Jainy Yea:
Jainy Yea:

Jainy stares at stars every night
Morning takes her eyes every time
And she'll love you more than you can tell
Heaven help us now
Seems you've finally found us: just as well:

Jainy Yea:
Jainy Yea:

She'll be all right
She'll be all right

Michael Jordan lyrics - Five For Fighting







Out Of Love lyrics - Five For Fighting

I'm Out of love again
And I need anyone
I'm out of love again
And I need everyone
I'm out. I'm in again
And I need some love
I'm out of touch again
And I need you babe

I'm out of love again
But I got your stuff
I'm out of love again
But I got your love

I'm out of wack again
And I need soft heat
I'm down to far too bend
And I need something sweet

I'm out of love again
But I got your stuff
I'm out of love again
But I got your love
I'm out of love again
But I got your stuff

People in my life:you're the one
Of people in my life you're the one

I'm out of love again
But I got your love
I'm out of love again
But I got your stuff
I'm out of love again
But I got your love

I'm out of love again
Not while you're by my side

The Last Great American lyrics - Five For Fighting

Mr. Merry cries in his coffin for days he says he can remember
And through the town some pallbearers sing old songs of a beautiful
and purple mountian
From every walk of life we've come to see the last great American

So may I now present you the speaker
....friends he was a man of men, yeah a man of gold
....he had a (how to you say) ethical like sense
That's when the President started to giggle

Then the children gave the blessing
though the service weren't half done
each of them sued the other one...for the last great American

Wait...Time for my coffin
Wait...Time for my break
Wait...Time for my coffin

Merry reaches up and we bow our heads
Pulls the lid on down and his stone is read

Here lies our Merry
The man with the heart so spent
That in this day in age
is sick of living

Still judges argue letters
And fabric comes undone
For every daughter...every son..of the last great American

Love Song lyrics - Five For Fighting

Put away your tears and your sleepy eyes.
Put away your bullshit.
Big Boys they don't cry to their mammas.
She'll be back soon.

Put away your rain coat and make your bed.
Take another bullet right to your head now.
We're going on a picnic
and we'll get there soon.

And she says maybe it's over.
And he says, there's plenty more fish in the sea
But I say, don't go away...from me.

So put away your dinner and have a snack.
Tie your little brother up in a sack.
We're moving to the country
And we'll get there soon.

Pack up all the things that you don't deserve.
Take another swing, well here comes a curve ball.
I betcha can't hit it
Cause you'll swing too soon.

And she says maybe it's over.
And he says, there's plenty more fish in the sea.
But I say, Don't go away...
Don't go away...
Please don't go away...from me

But can you take it to heart...
I'll never leave...

So take those damn pictures off of that shelf.
Put away your mommy. You don't need her.
I found you a new one.
And she'll be here soon.

And she says, My God it's over.
And he says, I found another fish in the sea

But I say, why me...why me it me?

Boat Parade lyrics - Five For Fighting

There's a crack in the hull
Where the penitents used to live
There's a crack in the hull
Where the Penitents used to live
And we can make it right if we row all night
Give all that we can give
There's a crack in the hull
Where the penitents used to live

There's a leak in the hold
Where the infantry used to sleep
There's a leak in the hold
Where the Infantry used to sleep
And we can make it right if we roll all night
Baby dust off your knees
There's a leak in the hold
Where the infantry used to be

Little monsters (on the table)
Crazies here to play
Little monsters in the boat parade

There's a hole in the hat
Where the captain kept his dreams
There's a hole in the hat
Where the Captain kept his dreams
And we can make it right
If we sail all night
Better pray for a breeze
There's a hole in the hat
Where the captain used to be

Alright lyrics - Five For Fighting

I Took her leaving like I did before
I Turned around and I asked for more
And she didn't even mean a thing to me

I Left my spirit at the chapel door
I Sailed around til I lost the war
And you didn't even think to send a thing

But I'm alright, alright, I feel alright
I never been better in my life
You know the score

I'm just fine, I'm fine, feeling fine
A regular sawed off valentine
That nothing more

I Hit my head upon the chamber door
And all the marbles rolled on the floor
And all the pyschos in the ward start screaming:

I'm alright, alright, I feel alright
I never been better in my life
You know the score

I'm just fine, I'm fine, feeling fine
A regular sawed off valentine
That nothing more

My Baby

I'm alright, alright, I feel alright
I never been better in my life
You know the score

I'm just fine, I'm fine, feeling fine
A regular sawed off valentine
That nothing more

Do You Mind lyrics - Five For Fighting





...Message For Albert (1997) - Five For Fighting

Bella's Birthday Cake lyrics - Five For Fighting

Bella played the bridge every second loneliest night of the year
Took a certain liking to a fellow there - Bella
She said I brought her back to some old better man - fellah
Bella she was born today feeling kinda spry
Bella's Birthday Cake was burning
Like Lightning, Like Fire
Bella's Birthday Cake was burning...

Bella made her bed in red every loneliest night of the year
Tied me to the rages of her rocking chair - Bella
Fed me quiet offer through her ever wares - I'll tell ya
Bella she was born today feeling kinda spry

Bella's Birthday Cake was burning
Like Lightning, Like Fire
Bella's Birthday Cake was burning
Ever yearning Forest Fire

and all of her lines she left unread
"spirits and battles won," she said
and over her mountian tops she ground me off
where...I can't remember...

Bella played the bridge on the second loneliest night of the year
Bella she was born today...

BELLA'S Birthday Cake was burning
Bella's BIRTHDAY Cake was burning
Bella's Birthday CAKE was burning
Bella's Birthday Cake was BURNING...50 years gone.

Day By Day lyrics - Five For Fighting

Day by Day I wake up for you I do
and I rise to who knows who
well if I can say...some other day

Day by Day I reach out to you I do
and I pretend there's something to it
And if I can say...I've had better days

Day by Day I resort to you I do
and I wash up after you're through
If I can say...that's O.K.

You're in my head again
You're in my bed again
You're in my mirror again

And if you don't mind me...I don't mind you

Day by Day I reflect on you I do
I reflect on you I do

The Garden lyrics - Five For Fighting

Do you believe in the man in the garden
Do you believe that he was there
Do you believe in the man in the garden
Do you believe or do you care

Did he rise from the ashes and lead the sky above
Did he lie in the name of love the garden

Do you believe in the path that you follow
Do you believe it takes you where you want
Do you believe in the lies that you swallow
Do you believe it takes you where you go

See the man. He never lies he never will
Did he fight for the right to kill the garden the garden

There's a little man in a house alone...waiting
He doesn't lie.
He doesn't wait for love to hold on to
He doesn't lie. He doesn't wait...

Johnny's in the garden
I see the err in my ways the garden

Do you believe in the man in the garden

Ocean lyrics - Five For Fighting

I got a thing for fish with no eyes
Who swim deep in the sea
With nothing to see

I've got a thing for mountians of sand
Left all to their own
To quietly stand

won't you help me now...

Take me to the bottom of...
Take me to the bottom of...
Take me to the bottom of...the ocean

I got a thing for mermaiden tails
Swim naked with me
Your hair of seaweed

I got a thing for sunken shipwrecks
With booty of gold
I don't care if it's wet

won't you help me now...

Take me to the bottom of...
Take me to the bottom of...
Take me to the bottom of...the ocean

I don't need no air.

Happy lyrics - Five For Fighting

Big Daddy's in the back seat taking to the Mammas
God don't the world smell good today
I'm bigger than a fruitcake
Smaller than your honor
A farmer for a daughter..HEY

Love Song lyrics - Five For Fighting

Put away your tears and your sleepy eyes.
Put away your bullshit.
Big Boys they don't cry to their mammas.
She'll be back soon.

Put away your rain coat and make your bed.
Take another bullet right to your head now.
We're going on a picnic
and we'll get there soon.

And she says maybe it's over.
And he says, there's plenty more fish in the sea
But I say, don't go away...from me.

So put away your dinner and have a snack.
Tie your little brother up in a sack.
We're moving to the country
And we'll get there soon.

Pack up all the things that you don't deserve.
Take another swing, well here comes a curve ball.
I betcha can't hit it
Cause you'll swing too soon.

And she says maybe it's over.
And he says, there's plenty more fish in the sea.
But I say, Don't go away...
Don't go away...
Please don't go away...from me

But can you take it to heart...
I'll never leave...

So take those damn pictures off of that shelf.
Put away your mommy. You don't need her.
I found you a new one.
And she'll be here soon.

And she says, My God it's over.
And he says, I found another fish in the sea

But I say, why me...why me it me?

White Picket Fence lyrics - Five For Fighting

I've cut off the curls
I shaved half my face
Became half the man you asked to replace.
I'm willing to save you
You said you're worth saving
But half of my appetite's lost half it's craving
Stand in the mirror
That's me beside you
The one with the smile, the one who abides you.
Don't mind the madman
The killer, the lover
He's slowly fading one into the other.

Where is that white picket fence
That I painted myself in the late days of April?
Where are the daffodil mountians?
I know that they're somewhere around here by the garden.

You say that you're happy
Well you should know better
I see that you've sewn up that rip in your sweater
That some lover tore off you
That left you both shaking
That bled deep inside you the wound you'd forsaken

Where is that white picket fence
That I painted myself in the late days of April?
Where are the daffodil mountians?
I know that they're somewhere around here by the garden.

Don't fear I will save you
Don't shout you'll awaken
The corpse in the desert staked out beside you
I cut off his wing
And shaved half his face
But I thought that I saw his eyes...move

2 Frogs lyrics - Five For Fighting

I sing above my vision. I sing above my face.
A fat old amphibian speaker for the dead.
Gather round ye animals. Gather round this lake.
Take upon your vigil. Wallow in the wake.

It was glorious of glories-a maple April day
With a pocket full of horseflies and eyes as bright as rays
They said walk away walk away if you can
but one leap out the village and our caravan began

Traveled to a forest, nestled in the sky.
He ran beside the buffalo-wrestled with the lions
Every day a saturday, a summer waking morn,
His skin burned golden ember due the shine that toad had born.

While riding back an eagle, laughing with the sun
He spied an old hairy fairy man upon the river Young.
and Sol said, fly away fly away if you can
But he settled next the oarsman, said I'm my own man and this is my life...

Heed above my meter, Heed above my fate. Can't go back again...
I got a reason to be fevered-summer waking morn.
Back back when the poor poor boy was born.

Now cross into his fortune. While enchanted by the queen.
A lone shady shelter stood beckoning his lean.
And in the time it takes a pillow to figure out a face.
Out from in the white tree she rose to take its place.

And the battle for his spirit then caused him to remain.
And he fought as a thousand Visigoths and he cursed the night in vain.
She said run away run away if you can
But last he heard a voice of...I'm my own man and this is my life...

Off to in her castle, laid upon the stairs
She showered him with daffodils and tied ribbons in his hair.
He woke for bare a moment but she wouldn't let him weep.
With lips of only roses kissed him down to sleep.

So royal loyal subjects now let your ears unbend.
For here ye this traveled tail must sadly meet it's end.
What's fate done to our hero I cannot reply...
The last that I saw him, a flection in her eye.

10 Miles From Nowhere lyrics - Five For Fighting

How have you been
in the shape you were in
I'm suprised that you got where you're going

Who would believe
What a date you would be
If I knew I'd have thought about knowing

And in between now and the last time we met
I'd open the door if I met you again
And I swear that we'd be better/fair ever friends
From here until 10 miles from nowhere

What is that there
In your brown paper box
I can see that you kept all the memories we'd lost

I'd sworn it was you
Who was destined and gone
To the pressure of past undertakings

Had I had known that it might have been me
I might have returned a letter or three
Or gave you a call from the sanctuary

for the cracks in these walls tell time for a fee

From here until 10...
From now until 10...miles from nowhere

The Last Great American lyrics - Five For Fighting

Mr. Merry cries in his coffin for days he says he can remember
And through the town some pallbearers sing old songs of a beautiful
and purple mountian
From every walk of life we've come to see the last great American

So may I now present you the speaker
....friends he was a man of men, yeah a man of gold
....he had a (how to you say) ethical like sense
That's when the President started to giggle

Then the children gave the blessing
though the service weren't half done
each of them sued the other one...for the last great American

Wait...Time for my coffin
Wait...Time for my break
Wait...Time for my coffin

Merry reaches up and we bow our heads
Pulls the lid on down and his stone is read

Here lies our Merry
The man with the heart so spent
That in this day in age
is sick of living

Still judges argue letters
And fabric comes undone
For every daughter...every son..of the last great American

(European B-Side) lyrics - Five For Fighting

Finally in the meantime since you paid for my room
I thought I'd write the European B-side or 2

See Mr. Merry's in the garden
Trying to tie his high top shoes
Johnny's off of daff-dill mountian
Praying for the news

and Oh what a piece I am
if you' my friend

Thanks to all that you made me replace
For all you gave to me you left on my face

See Mr. Merry is the garden
Bella's taking ludes
Daddy's off without a pardon
But nothing left to lose

and Oh what a piece I am
Oh what a piece I am
If you' my friend
if you
would you
be my friend

Five For Fighting other songs:


All I Know lyrics - Five For Fighting

(originally by Art Garfunkel)
(from "Chicken Little" soundtrack)

I bruise you
You bruise me
We both bruise so easily
Too easily
To let it show
I love you
And that's all I know

All my plans
Keep falling through
All my plans they
Depend on you
Depend on you
To help them grow
I love you
And that's all I know

When the singer's gone
Let the song go on
It's a fine line between
The darkness and the dawn
They say in the darkest night
There's a light beyond

And the ending always
Comes at last
Endings always
Come too fast
They come too fast and they
Pass too slow

I love you
And that's all
It's really all I know
It's all I know

It's all
I know

Amazing Grace (Live From Grace Notes) lyrics - Five For Fighting

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now am found
Was blind but now I see

Was Grace that taught my heart to fear
And Grace, my fears relieved
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed

Through many dangers, toils and snares
We have already come
T'was Grace that brought us safe thus far
And Grace will lead us home

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now am found
Was blind but now I see

Blood On My Hands lyrics - Five For Fighting

Got blood on my hands
Got blood on my hands
And I don't understand
What's happening

There's blood on these hands
And still American's
Left to the Taliban
Now how's that happening?

Winkin' Blinken
Can't you look me in the eyes
Willy Milley
Tell me when did you decide
This we'll defend
Your sacred motto
Now means... never mind


Got blood on my hands
Got blood on my hands
Flag of the Taliban
Over Afghanistan

General Austin is there no honor in shame?
Can you spell Bagram without the letters in blame?
Did Uncle Joe stick a drip in your veins?


I can't hear her scream if she's not, she's not
She's not on TV

I can't hear him scream if he's not, he's not
He's not on TV

To every Afghan ally that we left behind
Every child who won't know freedom
Faces covered and blind
As for this American promise
Now... shit in the Fire


Got blood on our hands
Hey Joe, just one American
Asking what's happening

Can One Man Save The World? lyrics - Five For Fighting

Who is this comedian?
His audience more mice than men
This superman Ukrainian
I don't know
Great-grandson of the Holocaust
An eastern heart the west has lost
Nail or carry up his cross
I don't know

But he's got everyone thinking
Yeah, he's got all of us thinking

Can one man save the world?
In a thousand years
Will they say your name
Or is this all in vain?
Can one man save the world?
Will you take my hand?
Will you help me stand?
Still in the end
Can one man save the world?

Olena pulls him to her breast
The bear, the devil, stabs their chest
Can one embrace raise the oppressed?
I don't know
Does freedom still have appetite?
Is there the will, the goods to fight?
Can a single flame light up the night?
I don't know

Yeah, but he's got you all thinking
'Cause everyone's thinking

Can one man save the world?
In a thousand years
Will they say your name
Or is this all in vain?
Can one man save the world?
Will you take my hand?
Will you help me stand?
Still in the end
Can one man save the world?

"Am I alone in this?" He says
"Am I alone in this?" He says
Are we alone?

In a thousand years
Will they know your name?

Can one man save the world?
Will you take my hand?
Will you help me stand?
Still in the end
Can one man save the world?
Will you take my hand?
Raise up lesser men
In the end...

Who is this comedian?
This steel that is Ukrainian
We die, but maybe live again
Can one man save the world?

China On The Horizon lyrics - Five For Fighting

Take a sail on a big ship, head west till you stop
You'll find a razor in your brown paper cup
Her eyes are diamonds, and she smiles like a clown
She knows what you need before you turn around

China (China)
Is on the Horizon (China)

She will take you out, turn you inside, leave you flat on your back
She'll put your heart in high state of attack
She comes with roses, but she's nearly insane
The boys on Wall Street, you can bet all know her name

China (China)
Is on the Horizon (China)
China (China)
Is on the Horizon (China)

China (China)
Is on the Horizon (China)
China (China)
Is on the Horizon (China)


Christmas Where You Are lyrics - Jim Brickman (feat. Five for Fighting)

There are stockings full and waiting
From sea to shining sea
Jingle bells a ringing
In keys of liberty
Children celebrating
Santa and his sleigh
Of reindeer who found their way again
Across the home, home of the brave
Tis the 25th day of December
In a season best to remember
That blessings and bows and mistletoes
Are not without tolls, guardian souls
A soldier has a soldier's duty
That takes no holiday
So because you're far from home this winter
There's one thing I'd like to say

Thank you for the gift of freedom
That lights these holy stars
Thank you for each and every Christmas tree
Across this sacred land of ours
May angels fly beside you
May Heaven steal your hearts
May God remind you in his grace
Though tonight I cannot touch your face
It doesn't matter if you're near or far
It's Christmas where you are

Your chair is empty at the table
Still I take your hand
As we pray for peace in this small world
On our knees we stand
Of this body of this nation
You are the heart and spine
So to each great generation
Of heroes down the line

Thank you for the gift of freedom
That lights these holy stars
Thank you for each and every Christmas tree
Across this sacred land of ours
May angels fly beside you
May Heaven steel your heart
May God remind you in his grace
Though tonight I cannot touch your face
It doesn't matter if you're near or far
It's Christmas where you are

Everyday is memorial day
Every day the 4th of July
Let all religions celebrate
The freedom that you provide
For if we stand together
We will never fall
Merry Christmas to the one I love
Merry Christmas to one and all

Thank you for the gift of freedom
That lights these holy stars
Thank you for each and every Christmas tree
Across this sacred land of ours
May angels fly beside you
May Heaven steel your heart
May God remind you in his grace
Though tonight I cannot touch your face
When home seems a hundred million miles away
Just close your eyes and you will see his sleigh
It's doesn't matter if you're near or far
It's Christmas where you are

Hello It's Me lyrics - Five For Fighting

Hello, it's me
I've thought about us for a long, long time
Maybe I think too much
But something's wrong
There's something here that doesn't last too long
Maybe I shouldn't think of you as mine

Seeing you
Or seeing anything as much as I do you
I take for granted that you're always there
I take for granted that you just don't care
Sometimes I can't help seeing all the way through

It's important to me
That you know you are free
'Cause I never want to make you change for me

Think of me
You know that I'd be with you if I could
I'll come around to see you once in a while
Or if I ever need a reason to smile
And spend the night if you think I should

It's important to me
That you know you are free
'Cause I never want to make you change for me

Think of me
You know that I'd be with you if I could
I'll come around to see you once in a while
Or if I ever need a reason to smile
And spend the night if you think I should

Spend the night if you think I should (It's important to me)
Spend the night if you think I should (It's important to me)
Spend the night if you think I should (Important to me)
Spend the night if you think I should

OK lyrics - Five For Fighting

We're gonna give you four words
We are not alright
We are not alright
When we see young girls
Pulled from their home
And dragged to the streets

When we see grandmothers
Being pulled away
And children shot in front of they family's
We are not all right
When right here
In the city of New York
You have those who celebrate
At the same time
When the devastation is taking place

This is a time for choosing
This is a time to mourn
The moral man is losing
Forbidden, lost for long

I don't understand
I don't understand
How you can look yourself
In the mirror
I don't understand
I don't understand
How did that blood flood your eyes

We, we are, we are not
We, we are, we are not
Ok (he-ehe, he-hei, ei)
Ok (he-ehe, he-hei, ei)

Yeah, hide behind your babies
Yeah, hide behind your kid
The Harvard hands has rabies
They'd hold acost again

I don't understand
I don't understand (I don't understand)
How you can look yourself in the mirror
I don't understand
I don't understand (I don't understand)
How did that blood spill from your eyes

We, we are, we are not
We, we are, we are not
Ok (he-ehe, he-hei, ei)
Ok (he-ehe, he-hei, ei)

Evils on the march
Evils on the march
Time to face the test (he-hei)
Evils on the march
Evils on the march
Need every good woman
Every good man

We, we are, we are not
We, we are, we are not
Ok, ok, ok, ok (we, we are, we are not)
Ok, ok, ok, ok (we, we are, we are not)
Ok, ok, ok, ok, ok

Song For The Innocents lyrics - Five For Fighting

Who is that calling out
Who's that crying
Do you wonder

Where do the guiltless go
Do angels know
Mother - Father

I have no gun
Sweet Guardian
Where should I go?
Where should I go?

We are the Innocents
We are the Innocents
The righteous

We are the Innocents
We are the Innocents
We are you

Who is that watching out
Who's the hero
Do you wonder

Where do the guilty go
Do devils know
Mother - Father

I have no gun
Sweet Guardian
Where should I go
Tell me you know

We are the Innocents
We are the Innocents
The righteous

We are the Innocents
We are the Innocents
And we are you

We are the Innocents
We are the Innocents
The righteous

We are the Innocents
We are the Innocents
We are
We are…

All For One lyrics - Five For Fighting

[from "Hawaii Five-0" soundtrack]

Blood on the ground,
Sun turning red.
Head over heels,
Over our heads.

Trouble will rise,
And tears will be shed.
Wherever we go,
Whatever comes next.

We'll always-
We'll always be-
One for all,
And all for one.

Bridges we've crossed,
Battles we've had.
Love we have lost,
Dreams we have shared.

We'll always-
We'll always be-
One for all,
And all for one.
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
All for one.

My brother, myself,
My saviour, my friend.
The fire we are,
The fire will end.
If I should fall-
Or you don't make it back-
Together we'll rise,
Together we'll stand.

We'll always-
We'll always be-
One for all,
And all for one.
We'll always-
We'll always be-
One for all,
And all for one.
One for all,
And all for one.
All for one.
